Friday, February 6, 2009

the independent revolution RIP

So this is old news but I realized that I didn't post on it before..


Real. Fucking. Lame. I get the whole 'sticking the middle finger to the corporate suits' thing but come on.

Indie was one of the best radio stations in the country, except for that dark period over the summer when they played MGMT and Santogold every hour of the day. Your forgiven for that little mishap I guess. Great shows like Jonesy's Juxebox will be missed. Isn't 103.1 like some Mexican radio stuff now? ("Whoa, I'm on a Mexican whoa, radio..") Wall of Voodoo was so right.

I'm listening online so I guess it's not all that bad. Except there is no internet in my car. Wahhh. So far it's been Slint, Eagles of Death Metal, The Sex Pistols, Jet, The Hold Steady and The Stone Roses and Nada Surf. Alright alright.

Those long waits in Los Angeles traffic will never be the same.

1 comment:

  1. dude fuck that radio station, they only played bands that gave them a shit ton of money! eff them and good riddance!
