Monday, December 1, 2008

Pepsi, what's the dealio yo? by Tha Rizzla

The Pepsi vs. Coke debate, as most of you well know, has long been a subject of much controversy. It seems though that most people I talk to favor Coca-Cola, and let's for the sake of argument say that Coke is indeed, the most popular soda. I remember a time when I myself used to be a "Pepsi guy", but I will tell you exactly why I, and perhaps many others, have made the switch, or perhaps even the switch back to Coke. First of all, Coke sticks by all of the stupid drinks they make. I don't like any of these crappy Coke spin off drinks such as Coke-Blak, Coke Zero, etc., but they still exist for whatever reason. Now lets look at the Pepsi side. The reason I used to like Pepsi so much is because they used to come out with delicious drinks. There was Crystal Pepsi, which tasted just like the original drink BUT was FUCKING CLEAR! That is awesome because you could at least feel that you were being slightly healthy because you weren't drinking this murky substance but you still got all the sugar you normally would have. But they abandoned that drink and it quickly went the way of the dinosaur. Then, in about 2002 or 2003, there was Pepsi Blue. First of all, the color of this drink was amazing. Just looking at it made you think you were about to drink a cartoon or something, and who the fuck doesn't like that? Anyway, this was more of a berry soda, not much actual Pepsi flavor in it, but it was quite delicious. Again, it got the axe and quickly went the way of Michael Jackson's original nose. There was also Pepsi Vanilla for a short time, which I thought to be far superior to Vanilla Coke. I don't know if they gave this one the boot, but I sure can't find it ANYWHERE, so it's safe to assume that it is gone for good. Another disappointment. But the biggest disappointment of all came in 2004, or rather, every holiday season after that. I will tell you why dedicated readers. In 2004 Pepsi came out with what was probably the best tasting soda of ALL TIME. It was Pepsi Holiday Spice. I probably consumed more of this than any other liquid ever. So, as you could imagine, your humble narrator was quite excited come holiday season 05, but no Holiday Spice. Not then. Not ever again. And that was it. I couldn't go back to a company that wouldn't support the delicious concoctions that they consistently came out with. I had to switch to Coke. For a few reasons. First of all, in Atlanta, GA they have The World of Coca-Cola, and it's AMAZING. You should definitely go if given the chance. You can try all these crazy sodas from other countries, watch Coca-Cola being produced and bottled, and you can get your picture taken with the polar bear from those commercials. Secondly, they stick by all of their crazy drinks, no matter how disgusting they may be. But third, and I think that this is probably the case for most of us, the Coca-Cola company has poisoned my mind with their constant advertising. Case in point: EVERY time I see Santa enjoying an ice cold Coca-Cola, I usually say to myself "I want a Coca-Cola now". And I get one. And what's the deal with that anyway, does Coca-Cola own Santa or what? No other soda company gets to use it. I though that Santa was like, public domain or something. Oh well. I'm just now finishing up my ice cold Coke, so I will finish up this blog as well.
Roll Tide. Hail Saban.

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