Saturday, May 30, 2009

Really People?

so if you found someone's wallet with their paycheck and business card inside wouldn't you think to call them because their life might be ruined without that check???   

today there was someone who picked up my wallet and saw my goofy drivers license picture, my paycheck, a one dollar bill, my business cards, a card to a fabric store, my $100 rebate card from ATT and my debit card with a cat, puppy and humane society picture on it and has decided to make my life horrible for the next couple weeks. canceling cards and not having access to money, $25 going to the dmv to get an id in 2 weeks, and i have to pay $25 to get another paycheck. 

there is a company that literally kicks you when your down by charging you to re print your already horrible paycheck. that was stolen.

aaaand i narrowly saved myself from being in a fight with a disrespectful tall black man who was with his family (kids! and i think his Mom too) in the middle of the bike path on the beach on el segundo. you werent looking and walked right in front of me and i lost control skidding out of the way into the sand and stopped to say sorry and you want to "throw down" ???  really?

Whats so funny about peace, love and understanding?



  1. Bobby.... I hope you will see much better days to come in the near future.
    Sincerely............ with much peace, love, and understanding from your fellow clan mate,

  2. sorry buddy, let me know if i can help, or loan you money, or give you a hug. or all of the above :)

  3. sorry mang

    probably the best ID ive ever seen

  4. simply put, 98% of humanity just sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.
