1. Please note the sleeveless polo. Nothing screams class like multiple ribbons in your ponytail. Also, the antenna on the cell phone is pretty epic. (Don't judge me, you know you had one of those). I think it's pretty apparent why the conversation went from smoking pot to me at cheerleading camp. You can tell by the googly eyes that the two went hand in hand.

2. This picture was also in my purse. It's a long story. (*cough, eharmony profile, cough*) ANyways, upon noticing my long flowing locks in this one, Brandon asked me why girls always cut their hair off when they know that they are going to regret it soon enough, and then spend forever thrying to grow it back to where it was in the first place. Sooo, we talked about girls getting bored and thinking its a good idea at the time until they have to go through the "awkward phase" (you know what I'm talking about). Then, Brandon asked "When do you think you will stop caring what your hair looks like...like...what age?" and I said, "Probably when I'm a mom...then I'll get a no muss no fuss haircut." Which leads me to my point...

...The mom haircut.

P.S. There is an entire website dedicated to the mom haircut. It is: http://www.totalmomhaircut.com and their slogan is:"Short, fluffy, and easy to manage!"
...Just sayin'
On a lighter note, I thought this picture was kinda cool.

HAHA! first of all, you were and are a total BABE-asaurus rex. and those pics are epic!