Thursday, November 13, 2008


I had a very interesting conversation with...lets say British Tyrone Biggums

BTB: Aye you wids the brilliant Johnny Cupcakes mate?

L: Ha yeah I am

BTB: Whys Johnny being all dodgy taking Nikes business

L: ?

BTB: Its fuckin ballistic to sees all these blokes lined up

L: Oh! are you talking about that jordan pack that dropped at Niketown today

BTB: Absobloodylootely

L: Really?

BTB: Its ballistic! Everyones lining up heres for bloody t-shirts instead of the jordan pack. I already gotten mines and gonna flips dem on ebays. Woulds you like to listen to my demo?

L: Uh not really

BTB: No worries mate...I remembers walking for the opening and I see this amazing wooden crate and I knocked on it..."Johnny! Johnny! you in there?

L: Oh hey we gotta go...take it easy!

Speaking of Tyrone Biggums


Oprah rich

Crack rocks


Crack Party