Tuesday, November 25, 2008
99 cent store field trip
Monday, November 24, 2008
Money well spent
uhmmmm...i watched this video...and...well...i just dont know who iam anymore...i forgot how to blink?...you know that feeling when you want to look away but cant for some odd reason...and then you start throwing up all over the place...but then shortly after you realize that this lyrically challenged girl sells out shows in canada...and you want to be her BFF...wear true religions everyday...i got that feeling
Price: $350 roundtrip ticket to canada + LIGHTS ticket...and the chance to ask her...how did get your hair to blow in the video?
Option 2
Kanyes new clothing line...theres not much to talk about...ITS BEEN DONE ALREADY!
Price: More expensive than option 1

Option 3
Greenman costume...hands down funkn AMAZING
Price: $70...yes please


Crystal Audigier...Christian Audigiers daughter...16 years old...started her own line called Crystal Rock...ofcourse with the help of the bedazzle master...she is going to help come out with more krap with gems/rhinestones/and oh lets say rocks on them...Ive never seen a clothing company find more use of the words...FAITH...POWER...GLORY...ENTICE...oh and cant forget LOVE...why cant the shirts say..."SHIT LIPS"...or "EAT ASSHOLE"...maybe "PIRATE TITTY MONGER"...i hate bedazzled uggs...do you really want to wear 20 pound boots? you live in LA! there is no fucking snow for miles
oh well...keep taking money from people...hats off to you
Here is the info on this lovely ray of joy and the bedazzle master:
Once again the Godfather of Rock & Roll Fashion redefines high-end casual wear as Christian Audigier presents his new line CRYSTAL ROCK. The latest innovative brand from the creator of Ed Hardy, Christian Audigier, and SMET celebrates women of all ethnicities, cultures, and walks of life. Inspired by his daughter Crystal Rock Audigier, this limited edition brand is a representation of women's empowerment and authenticity. Designed as a reflection of Hollywood individualism, the bold and colorful designs embrace the spirit of youthfulness, while creating a niche for edgy wearable art. Every shirt is manufactured on 100% organic fabric; an exclusive piece of original artwork, as only 1,000 will be reproduced and numbered in each style.
The distinctive nature of the design strives to capture a specific mood with its' intricate, yet understated detail. Christian has incorporated his signature style with the use of rhinestones, flocking and foil integrated with a female character as individuality. The message behind the creation is simple; all women are beautiful regardless of race, creed, or color. CRYSTAL ROCK is already in high demand with celebrities and retailers alike. With it's comfort, style, and conceptional significance CRYSTAL ROCK is sure to be the most sought after collectable among strong, confident women everywhere.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH...this makes me want to punch vaginas
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Action Speaks Louder Than Words
-If you 'LOVE' someone...then show it. Take their clothes off, plant he or she on the wall, and destroy em...mad max style...(red flag)
-If one of your close friends or family member is sick...well shit happens...theyll get better...right?
-I miss you?...everyone says it
-If one of your good friends needs a place to stay...let him or her stay with you...if he or she sleeps with your fiance and lies to your face...uses all the colby jack cheese in the fridge when he or she knows damn well the KRAFT is his or hers...embrace it
-If your girlfriend gives you an ed hardy shirt for your bday...gouge her eyes out
-We all need help at some point in our lives...return the favor by doing absolutely nothing
-Youre having a shitty day...make sure to let everyone know so they all can feel sorry for you...it works!
-If you get your friend a job...and they suck huge ballsack...and end up quitting...its ok...you can always rely on them
I try not to think about these things but...they happen...more frequently...people tend to take everything for granted and dont value the importance of certain friends or lovers...they just use words...i know we all fuck up at times...but how many times do we acknowledge it and actually apologize
Think about it...actually dont think...just get up and make people happy
If you love someone...go out of your way...trust me...its worth the smile on their face
Go into RIF and say hi to Jeff...hes gangster

If youre not aware...


Glad you got smashed...whitney houston style



dance party


Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Crazy-Town USA
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
random thoughts for today
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Yo RV where you at? by Tha Rizzla
Thursday, November 13, 2008


I had a very interesting conversation with...lets say British Tyrone Biggums

BTB: Aye you wids the brilliant Johnny Cupcakes mate?
L: Ha yeah I am
BTB: Whys Johnny being all dodgy taking Nikes business
L: ?
BTB: Its fuckin ballistic to sees all these blokes lined up
L: Oh! are you talking about that jordan pack that dropped at Niketown today
BTB: Absobloodylootely
L: Really?
BTB: Its ballistic! Everyones lining up heres for bloody t-shirts instead of the jordan pack. I already gotten mines and gonna flips dem on ebays. Woulds you like to listen to my demo?
L: Uh not really
BTB: No worries mate...I remembers walking for the opening and I see this amazing wooden crate and I knocked on it..."Johnny! Johnny! you in there?
L: Oh hey we gotta go...take it easy!

Oprah rich

Crack rocks


Crack Party
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
OHHHHH Melrose
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Christmas On Mars
Wayne Coyne...frontman for Flaming Lips...just recently led a thousand people dressed up in skeleton outfits holding flaming torches, and marched the streets of Oklahoma City...and now...he has a movie with vaginas in it...
What about one of the film’s most striking images, a hallucinatory scene with animated marching vaginas?
“I guess I thought any person, any man anyway, who got to make a movie about anything he wanted would have that stuff in it! And it is a Christmas movie, so there’s all the stuff about the birth of this strange baby and I wanted there to be some strange vaginalistic anxiety — all men wonder about what birth is. Really though, I just dream these things up. It’s just a cool scene.”
On the Go
My saturday was NCAA day...I was at the USC/Cal game...die hard drunk trojan fans screaming, eating 10 dollar hot dogs, and mediocre nachos....amazing...the game however failed to meet my expectations
Nate Longshore you blow...how many times did you fall? thats right twice

Game Time

Joe Paterno decided to come and watch...poor nittany lions

Who hurt you?

At least someone enjoyed the food?

Taylor Mays...amazing game...BIG BALLZ PETE

She was glowing

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Megazord?! More like MegaBored... by Tha Rizzla
an important lesson by: w.a.t.
Thinking is Special
For instance, I can start by saying the word porridge, then flare out my nostrils, flex my ass cheeks twice(one time with force, another time with ease), and finally lick the wall. I think it would be safe to say that no one in the whole world acted out the same actions in chronological order, at the same exact time that I acted out the actions. That makes me special.
I miss these times.........check out my short hair.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A place where you don’t have to worry about who you are, or boundaries that are agreed to be true. Sometimes thinking that it’s my place of bliss as if it’s where I’m supposed to be. Usually ending up on some distant reality where organic life is given human characteristics, and how it relates to the environment. I enjoy departing to this far off fantasy, and you should too. There is no right or wrong, there are no labels; only a belief that everything’s going to be ok.
During the early stages of modern art it gave artists a new take on how subject matter could be expressed. There were trials and errors, but movements began to develop that gave others to follow. Sure artists now have a form and content that did not follow the “ideal” ways of painting, but missing elements that operate the next set of movements were yet to come. In all of this, there was no sense of extreme discrimination or rebellious qualities. It is time for the modern movement to target humanity, and revolutionize society to a new experience.
Artists that had experienced WWI gave them the power to influence the public about the horrors of trench warfare. Several persons portrayed there works to lash out against the war expressing what had caused it. Especially the Dadaists. This movement (Dadaism) also rejected traditional aesthetics and was designed to offend conventional art. In all the midst moral, political, and economical crisis the Dadaists had accomplished the task of directing a new experience to insurrect human emotions. However this movement is not the aspect of what is yet to come. We are going to go above the real, and tap into our unconscious. Post WWI gave them the power to be potential “communists” that would contribute to the fear, and paranoia. The surrealists.
High school I had always been looked to as an impressive artist especially with the graffiti “crews”. The reason for this was of my intense characters that sometimes had no sense of structure or “likeness” of something. In class whenever I sketched most of the time the subject was not predetermined. As I began to sketch with fluid strokes it revealed an image that led to another image. Eventually I would have this abstract intense scene of randomness. For a few years throughout the years of High school it was the primary way for me to draw. Fellow classmates during courses would ask me “What are you drawing?”, but most of the time my reply would be “I don’t know?, but we’ll see how it comes out.”
My knowledge for Art history was non existent at the time, and I chose not to take part in curriculums that fell along the subject. Maybe it was because I was lazy, or possibility it was the fact that Urban Art had more appreciation within the school boundaries. It wasn’t until I experienced Modern Art that led me to learn how artists before me were able to harness the randomness. I began to wonder what it was that lead me to come up with these compositions. Surrealism had a way of transcending above the real, and using the unconscious as a tool. Analyzing dreams, and the unrevealed conscious was a way to liberate the imagination. I encountered a technique that the surrealists had produced which was called automatic drawing. To move freely around the paper and produce randomness, leaving everything to chance
The first piece of work that had committed me to learn more about surrealism was the Fireside Angel (1937) by Max Ernst. He portrays a vicious element in the foreground, and a horizon the background. Its organic movement and numerous flow of colors with extended hands relate to the style of mine. I have a tendency to include hands and organic roots mixed with a violent factor in numerous sketches. There is no meaning behind most of the art I produce. Because of the missing conscious from the reality we live in, the meaning the art is pure. There are no advertisements, or points of view to corrupt what is true. We have always been preconceived to believe that an apple is supposed to look like an apple. When you dig deep into the unconscious thought, and so happen to create an apple out of nowhere with no premeditation it becomes untainted. I did not draw an apple because I wanted to, it so happened to just reveal itself.
Surrealist giant Salvador Dali had a concept called the Paranoiac Critical Method. Dali states that “spontaneous method of irrational knowledge based on the critical and systematic objectivity of the associations and interpretations of delirious phenomena.” Used in some of his paintings having certain images provoke involuntary acts when looked upon. Paranoiac thought was the target for surrealist who used this method triggering the mind to not resort to rationality.
Practices of Looking pg 73. It states “The concept of the unconscious is crucial to these theories. One of the fundamental elements of psychoanalysis lies in its demonstration of the existence and mode of operation of unconscious mental processes.” This technique is commonly used throughout their psyche permitting them to tap into there suppressed fears, desires, and memories. Then understand how to help the individual coming up with several theories that could be used to treat emotional illnesses, investigate the mind, and seek a set of human behaviors.
For the last couple of months I’ve been able to harness my dreams, and consistently remember exactly what happened after I woke up. It’s 7 in the morning, I’m still in boxers with dragon breath collecting from the previous night. I open up a word document, and begin typing my dream. It’s not revised so that future thoughts or predictions won’t tamper with it. Usually writing a full page of how random our dreams can be. I want to come to the understanding of how Andre Breton, Sigmund Freud, and Dali had viewed there approach to our unconscious. These dreams I record is just a guideline for me to follow. I just need to understand them, and give the public a look into my reality.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Action Packed

Jonathan Richman. I don't know how i didn't find out about his music a lot sooner than i did. Nonetheless, he is amazing and always puts a smile on my face. He is playing the El Rey theatre on December 3rd. I'll be there, floating on a magic carpet of happiness. Listed above is a pic of him in his earlier days, and a newspaper entry he wrote.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Im Asian
oh well...i went home i saw this...enjoy
step it up james...1-2 is shitttty
Saturday, November 1, 2008

First of all...I want to clear up a few things before I get started...stupid people annoy the shit out of me...WHEN YOURE CAUGHT RED HANDED...do not...i mean do not try and weasel youre way out...it makes you...
1. a pussy
2. a coward
3. and a fuck up
This is what happenned...my friend loses her wallet...some random girl ends up claiming it after hearing it was lost...so after talking to a friend running the whole thing...i found out a bodyguard (he fucked up too) handed the wallet to a girl that said it was it belonged to her. I went straight to that girl with the bodyguard and she STRAIGHT UP denied it. The bodyguard said...I gave it to you...she still denied it! The bodyguard took a step forward and the look on that hags face was priceless...She looked at me and asked me what color is it?! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA...she was serious...i told her to shut up and pull it out...yep she had it...after i got it...i wanted to kick her face...the exact feeling was...
FRIDAY AFTER NEXT...when pinky and his chauffeur hit a fake santa...lets relive
Pinky: goddammit C.W.! What did you hit!? Didn't I tell you if you hit somethin else I was gonna fire you
C.W.: Nope. I dont remember that part Pinky
Pinky: After you hit that retarded boy with the fucked up walk...aaaaarrrrrgh!
Pinky: Get yo ass back in the car...aaaaaarrrrrgh!
The other thing i need to clear up...i got asked to calm down...multiple times...4 times....LICK BALLS...my costume made it personal to walk up to whoever was wearing a...ninja? samurai? megaman costume? tap them on the shoulder and fuckin battle!
Heres the shitshow....

This dude was eyeing kenneth the whole night


Zissou getting handled by dinosaur

Lightning Kick...Press K rapidly

black ken vs. Latino Ryu


Ric Flair...weak

bday boy...shithowwwwsed

Get some...talbot?...this picture troubles me

prop 8

all getting pregnant

Bobby grabs a flyer and says to me...quote slammered(wasted!) dude...this is...me


ultimate tuna

Winter Ball 98'

Fuck yeah...shit is golden

calm down? who says that

team razzle

simple bruce?

Mila is Pissed!

oh yeah...best costume went to...

Probably the greatest thing ever...next to 2 girls 1 cup