Irena Sendler passed over for '07 Nobel Peace Prize for al gore!!! wtf!!!!
The Holocaust - the systematic annihilation of six million Jews - is a history of enduring horror and sorrow. The charred skeletons, the diabolic experiments, the death camps, the mass graves, the smoke from the chimneys ...
In 1933 nine million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Germany during the war. By 1945 two out of every three European Jews had been killed by the Nazis. 1.5 million children were murdered. This figure includes more than 1.2 million Jewish children, tens of thousands of Gypsy children and thousands of handicapped children.
Yet there were acts of courage and human decency during the Holocaust - stories to bear witness to goodness, love and compassion.
This is the story of an incredible woman and her amazing gift to mankind.
Irena Sendler. An unfamiliar name to most people, but this remarkable woman defied the Nazis and saved 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto. As a health worker, she sneaked the children out between 1942 and 1943 to safe hiding places and found non-Jewish families to adopt them.
For many years Irena Sendler - white-haired, gentle and courageous - was living a modest existence in her Warsaw apartment. This unsung heroine passed away on Monday May 12th, 2008.
Her achievement went largely unnoticed for many years. Then the story was uncovered by four young students at Uniontown High School, in Kansas, who were the winners of the 2000 Kansas state National History Day competition by writing a play Life in a Jar about the heroic actions of Irena Sendler.
The girls - Elizabeth Cambers, Megan Stewart, Sabrina Coons and Janice Underwood - have since gained international recognition, along with their teacher, Norman Conard.
The presentation, seen in many venues in the United States and popularized by National Public Radio, C-SPAN and CBS, has brought Irena Sendlers story to a wider public. The students continue their prize-winning dramatic presentation Life in a Jar.
Irena Sendler
Irena Sendler was born in 1910 in Otwock, a town some 15 miles southeast of Warsaw. She was greatly influenced by her father who was one of the first Polish Socialists. As a doctor his patients were mostly poor Jews. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland, and the brutality of the Nazis accelerated with murder, violence and terror.
At the time, Irena was a Senior Administrator in the Warsaw Social Welfare Department, which operated the canteens in every district of the city. Previously, the canteens provided meals, financial aid, and other services for orphans, the elderly, the poor and the destitute.
Now, through Irena, the canteens also provided clothing, medicine and money for the Jews. They were registered under fictitious Christian names, and to prevent inspections, the Jewish families were reported as being afflicted with such highly infectious diseases as typhus and tuberculosis.
But in 1942, the Nazis herded hundreds of thousands of Jews into a 16-block area that came to be known as the Warsaw Ghetto. The Ghetto was sealed and the Jewish families ended up behind its walls, only to await certain death.
Irena Sendler was so appalled by the conditions that she joined Zegota, the Council for Aid to Jews, organized by the Polish underground resistance movement, as one of its first recruits and directed the efforts to rescue Jewish children.
The Warsaw Ghetto
To be able to enter the Ghetto legally, Irena managed to be issued a pass from Warsaws Epidemic Control Department and she visited the Ghetto daily, reestablished contacts and brought food, medicines and clothing.
But 5,000 people were dying a month from starvation and disease in the Ghetto, and she decided to help the Jewish children to get out. For Irena Sendler, a young mother herself, persuading parents to part with their children was in itself a horrendous task.
Finding families willing to shelter the children, and thereby willing to risk their life if the Nazis ever found out, was also not easy.
Irena Sendler, who wore a star armband as a sign of her solidarity to Jews, began smuggling children out in an ambulance. She recruited at least one person from each of the ten centers of the Social Welfare Department. With their help, she issued hundreds of false documents with forged signatures.
Irena Sendler successfully smuggled almost 2,500 Jewish children to safety and gave them temporary new identities.
Some children were taken out in gunnysacks or body bags. Some were buried inside loads of goods. A mechanic took a baby out in his toolbox. Some kids were carried out in potato sacks, others were placed in coffins, some entered a church in the Ghetto which had two entrances.
One entrance opened into the Ghetto, the other opened into the Aryan side of Warsaw. They entered the church as Jews and exited as Christians. "`Can you guarantee they will live?'" Irena later recalled the distraught parents asking. But she could only guarantee they would die if they stayed.
"In my dreams," she said, "I still hear the cries when they left their parents."
Irena Sendler accomplished her incredible deeds with the active assistance of the Church. "I sent most of the children to religious establishments," she recalled. "I knew I could count on the Sisters." Irena also had a remarkable record of cooperation when placing the youngsters: "No one ever refused to take a child from me," she said.
The children were given false identities and placed in homes, orphanages and convents. Irena Sendler carefully noted, in coded form, the childrens original names and their new identities.
She kept the only record of their true identities in jars buried beneath an apple tree in a neighbor's back yard, across the street from German barracks, hoping she could someday dig up the jars, locate the children and inform them of their past.
In all, the jars contained the names of 2,500 children ...
But the Nazis became aware of Irena's activities, and on October 20, 1943 she was arrested, imprisoned and tortured by the Gestapo, who broke her feet and legs. She ended up in the Pawiak Prison, but no one could break her spirit.
Though she was the only one who knew the names and addresses of the families sheltering the Jewish children, she withstood the torture, that crippled her for life, refusing to betray either her associates or any of the Jewish children in hiding.
Sentenced to death, Irena was saved at the last minute when Zegota members bribed one of the Gestapo agents to halt the execution. She escaped from prison but for the rest of the war she was pursued by the Nazis.
After the war she dug up the jars and used the notes to track down the 2,500 children she placed with adoptive families and to reunite them with relatives scattered across Europe. But most lost their families during the Holocaust in Nazi death camps.
The children had known her only by her code name Jolanta. But years later, after she was honored for her wartime work, her picture appeared in a newspaper. "A man, a painter, telephoned me," said Sendler, "`I remember your face,' he said. `It was you who took me out of the ghetto.' I had many calls like that!"
Irena Sendler did not think of herself as a hero. She claimed no credit for her actions. "I could have done more," she said. "This regret will follow me to my death."
She has been honored by international Jewish organizations - in 1965 she accorded the title of Righteous Among the Nations by the Yad Vashem organization in Jerusalem and in 1991 she was made an honorary citizen of Israel.
Irena Sendler was awarded Poland's highest distinction, the Order of White Eagle, in Warsaw Monday Nov. 10, 2003, and she was announced as the 2003 winner of the Jan Karski award for Valor and Courage.
She has officially been designated a national hero in Poland and schools are named in her honor. Annual Irena Sendler days are celebrated throughout Europe and the United States.
In 2007, she was nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. At a special session in Poland's upper house of Parliament, President Lech Kaczynski announced the unanimous resolution to honor Irena Sendler for rescuing "the most defenseless victims of the Nazi ideology: the Jewish children." He referred to her as a "great heroine who can be justly named for the Nobel Peace Prize. She deserves great respect from our whole nation."
During the ceremony Elzbieta Ficowska, who was just six months old when she was saved by Irena Sendler, read out a letter on her behalf:
“Every child saved with my help is the justification of my existence on this Earth, and not a title to glory,” Irena Sendler said in the letter, “Over a half-century has passed since the hell of the Holocaust, but its spectre still hangs over the world and doesn’t allow us to forget.”
This lovely, courageous woman was one of the most dedicated and active workers in aiding Jews during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Her courage enabled not only the survival of 2,500 Jewish children but also of the generations of their descendants.
The Nobel Prize recipient, Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, has dedicated his life to ensuring that none of us forget what happened to the Jews. He wrote:
"In those times there was darkness everywhere. In heaven and on earth, all the gates of compassion seemed to have been closed. The killer killed and the Jews died and the outside world adopted an attitude either of complicity or of indifference. Only a few had the courage to care ..."
This woman was passed over for the prize that was given to Al Gore for showing a slide show on Global Warming.
I can't imagine such guts.. such breathtaking courage. Lord, may she be richly blessed, serene in Your comforting arms.
So, when you next hear of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, remember how vapid, worthless and politically correct they are. Meaningless, really.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Just when you thought your roomate sucked..
From some guys blog: Enjoy.
Here are some more reasons why I hate my roommate.
1. He loves Pokemon. He has, I shit you not, a stuffed jigglypuff sitting on his desk. He also has a DVD of all the Pokemon episodes centered around jigglypuff. I am quite certain that jigglypuff is his idol.
2. He has a ceramic anime style cat sitting on a tiny red blanket ontop of the television. I asked him if it was a good luck charm. He said no. He has a ceramic cat on the TV. Listen to me, motherfucker, I have enough trouble getting laid as it is. I don't need you and your GODDAMNED CAT fucking things up for me any worse.
3. He takes John Stewart's message as gospel. He owns a calendar counting down the days until Bush is out of office. He owns a book of Bushisms. Every time he's on the phone, he talks about how much he hates Bush. His screensaver counts down the time Bush has left in office to the second.
4. There is a giant poster on the wall of a dragon. It is not a cool poster.
5. I live in Clark Hall here at UNT. He purchased a shirt that says I LOVE CLARK and he wears it all the time. This might not be a big deal, but I have zero school spirit. Also, I hate my dorm. Because of my roommate. Whom I hate.
6. When I came back to school this semester, he had rearranged the room in an effort to make my stay a COMPLETE GODDAMN CLUSTERFUCK. Let me begin with the TV. He has pushed the desks together in front of the TV. This works to his benefit because the TV is right next to his desk. I, on the other hand, can't see a thing because the microwave is blocking my view. Why? Because it's the only place I could put it where its plug would reach the outlet.
Our room is smaller than some walk in closets. He has chosen to exacerbate the problem by placing our desks square in the middle of the room. I now have nowhere to move. I must climb over my bed or traverse an obstacle course of boxes and shit to get to the door. Thanks asshole. I appreciate your cunningly designed layout.
And you ask, "Why don't you just bunk beds. That would make more room." See the title of this entry for your answer.
7. I'll try to talk to him and he cannot carry on a conversation because he's too dumb to string words together coherently on a consistent basis. This is a rare flaw possessed mostly by retards and children under 3. My roommate is an honor student. Go figure.
8. He's fat. Therefore, he takes up a lot of space in a small room. Imagine a glass of water filled to the brim. It's already full. Now drop in a huge fucking rock. Observe how the water spills over the edge.
Our room is already full. Now drop in a shitty roommate. Observe how the blood spills out of his massive chest wound.
9. He takes 40 minute showers right before I have to go to class. He knows we both have class at the same time, but he does this anyway not because he's an asshole so much as he's so fucking stupid he doesn't realize this will be a problem. I said to him the other morning, "You took a 40 minute shower, and now I'm only going to get 5 minutes in the shower because you took so long, understand? I will only receive 12% of the cleanliness you just got. Do you understand?"
He did not understand.
10. He points the showerhead directly at my shampoo bottle in the corner of the shower for some inexplicable reason. This fills it with water because it has tiny fissures that'll let in water if you point water at it for long enough. Now, I have watered down shampoo. Also my hair has lost its silky sheen.
11. He brought over a girl who later said to me, "I'm having trouble with your roommate because he did this thing for me the other day because he said he'd like it. But then later he said he didn't enjoy it. He said he only did it because it made me feel good."
I stared at her, unable to process this information. If only my brain had a self destruct sequence.
12. The only music he owns are video game soundtracks.
13. His mom buys him all this nice stuff that he doesn't appreciate like a huge table (that takes up our space), a big ole tv, file shelves, DVDs, video games, a nintendo wii, a giant air conditioning death star, and tons of candy.
14. His giant air conditioning death star takes up space and makes a lot of noise. He needs it because fat people need it cool, you know?
Sometimes when he's not here and I'm hungry, I walk over to his shelves and I open them. I gaze upon all the candy bars he has stashed in there, marvelling at the vast quantities. They look so delicious. One day I'll flip out and I'll take one or nine. Or maybe inject them with antifreeze.
Here are some more reasons why I hate my roommate.
1. He loves Pokemon. He has, I shit you not, a stuffed jigglypuff sitting on his desk. He also has a DVD of all the Pokemon episodes centered around jigglypuff. I am quite certain that jigglypuff is his idol.
2. He has a ceramic anime style cat sitting on a tiny red blanket ontop of the television. I asked him if it was a good luck charm. He said no. He has a ceramic cat on the TV. Listen to me, motherfucker, I have enough trouble getting laid as it is. I don't need you and your GODDAMNED CAT fucking things up for me any worse.
3. He takes John Stewart's message as gospel. He owns a calendar counting down the days until Bush is out of office. He owns a book of Bushisms. Every time he's on the phone, he talks about how much he hates Bush. His screensaver counts down the time Bush has left in office to the second.
4. There is a giant poster on the wall of a dragon. It is not a cool poster.
5. I live in Clark Hall here at UNT. He purchased a shirt that says I LOVE CLARK and he wears it all the time. This might not be a big deal, but I have zero school spirit. Also, I hate my dorm. Because of my roommate. Whom I hate.
6. When I came back to school this semester, he had rearranged the room in an effort to make my stay a COMPLETE GODDAMN CLUSTERFUCK. Let me begin with the TV. He has pushed the desks together in front of the TV. This works to his benefit because the TV is right next to his desk. I, on the other hand, can't see a thing because the microwave is blocking my view. Why? Because it's the only place I could put it where its plug would reach the outlet.
Our room is smaller than some walk in closets. He has chosen to exacerbate the problem by placing our desks square in the middle of the room. I now have nowhere to move. I must climb over my bed or traverse an obstacle course of boxes and shit to get to the door. Thanks asshole. I appreciate your cunningly designed layout.
And you ask, "Why don't you just bunk beds. That would make more room." See the title of this entry for your answer.
7. I'll try to talk to him and he cannot carry on a conversation because he's too dumb to string words together coherently on a consistent basis. This is a rare flaw possessed mostly by retards and children under 3. My roommate is an honor student. Go figure.
8. He's fat. Therefore, he takes up a lot of space in a small room. Imagine a glass of water filled to the brim. It's already full. Now drop in a huge fucking rock. Observe how the water spills over the edge.
Our room is already full. Now drop in a shitty roommate. Observe how the blood spills out of his massive chest wound.
9. He takes 40 minute showers right before I have to go to class. He knows we both have class at the same time, but he does this anyway not because he's an asshole so much as he's so fucking stupid he doesn't realize this will be a problem. I said to him the other morning, "You took a 40 minute shower, and now I'm only going to get 5 minutes in the shower because you took so long, understand? I will only receive 12% of the cleanliness you just got. Do you understand?"
He did not understand.
10. He points the showerhead directly at my shampoo bottle in the corner of the shower for some inexplicable reason. This fills it with water because it has tiny fissures that'll let in water if you point water at it for long enough. Now, I have watered down shampoo. Also my hair has lost its silky sheen.
11. He brought over a girl who later said to me, "I'm having trouble with your roommate because he did this thing for me the other day because he said he'd like it. But then later he said he didn't enjoy it. He said he only did it because it made me feel good."
I stared at her, unable to process this information. If only my brain had a self destruct sequence.
12. The only music he owns are video game soundtracks.
13. His mom buys him all this nice stuff that he doesn't appreciate like a huge table (that takes up our space), a big ole tv, file shelves, DVDs, video games, a nintendo wii, a giant air conditioning death star, and tons of candy.
14. His giant air conditioning death star takes up space and makes a lot of noise. He needs it because fat people need it cool, you know?
Sometimes when he's not here and I'm hungry, I walk over to his shelves and I open them. I gaze upon all the candy bars he has stashed in there, marvelling at the vast quantities. They look so delicious. One day I'll flip out and I'll take one or nine. Or maybe inject them with antifreeze.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Gotta have Faith?
Alot of good points in this article.
Alot of good points in this article.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Man Arrested After Leaving Child Porn Filled Cellphone As Collateral For Bar Tab
Poor Aaron Klein. He left collateral for his bar tab , actually returned to pay, and got arrested. Can't be his fault the collateral he left was a kiddie porn filled cellphone. I'm sure his cat did it .
According to the bartender who reported Klein, he discovered the child pornography when he "opened the phone looking for Klein's name or phone number." Lesson? Get back to the bar quicker to pay your tab before the bartender starts going through your filthy images.
Hmmm...that blows
Poor Aaron Klein. He left collateral for his bar tab , actually returned to pay, and got arrested. Can't be his fault the collateral he left was a kiddie porn filled cellphone. I'm sure his cat did it .
According to the bartender who reported Klein, he discovered the child pornography when he "opened the phone looking for Klein's name or phone number." Lesson? Get back to the bar quicker to pay your tab before the bartender starts going through your filthy images.
Hmmm...that blows
Our friend purchased a 50/50 New Era Wolverine Hat that says "SNIKT" across the front of it at comicon this year...this entry post is dedicated to you
1. Snikt
Sound effect caused when blades emerge from Wolverine.
Wolverine: Hey bub, why dont you just back off..." *Snikt*
2. Snikt
The sound made when one snorts back up some snot that was dripping down the upper lip
Oooh, look, he snikt that gooey thing right back up there
3. Snikt
Name for a person well endowed downstairs shalen sure is snikt
Here are some idiots to give you a better idea of who wolverine is...and by idiots i mean these beautiful specimens
*number 11 is a winner*
1. Snikt
Sound effect caused when blades emerge from Wolverine.
Wolverine: Hey bub, why dont you just back off..." *Snikt*
2. Snikt
The sound made when one snorts back up some snot that was dripping down the upper lip
Oooh, look, he snikt that gooey thing right back up there
3. Snikt
Name for a person well endowed downstairs shalen sure is snikt
Here are some idiots to give you a better idea of who wolverine is...and by idiots i mean these beautiful specimens
*number 11 is a winner*
Monday, October 5, 2009
TAWS Party Time
Every Sunday night TAWS throws a party at The Beauty Bar in Hollywood.
We call it '80's Night' but most of time some Chaka Kahn and Jackson 5 make their way into the mix, so who knows. Last night's party was particularly special since TAWS co-founder and favorite party-time man, Uncle Leroy had a birthday.
Madness ensued and naturally Leroy ended up breakdancing the club's ass off.
Join us next Sunday as your hosts Tuna and Uncie Leroy get down and dirty dressed as cowboys and indians.




Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more updates.
Also worth mentioning, our good friends over at Kill City had a party last Friday to celebrate the launch of their Brian Lichtenberg line. Pinks Hot Dogs was on hand and the good folks over at Nakhon Beer provided the libations.


We call it '80's Night' but most of time some Chaka Kahn and Jackson 5 make their way into the mix, so who knows. Last night's party was particularly special since TAWS co-founder and favorite party-time man, Uncle Leroy had a birthday.
Madness ensued and naturally Leroy ended up breakdancing the club's ass off.
Join us next Sunday as your hosts Tuna and Uncie Leroy get down and dirty dressed as cowboys and indians.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more updates.
Also worth mentioning, our good friends over at Kill City had a party last Friday to celebrate the launch of their Brian Lichtenberg line. Pinks Hot Dogs was on hand and the good folks over at Nakhon Beer provided the libations.
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