Here I'm gonna count down my favorite people named Max.
Yeah, it's pretty unsanitary to do magic tricks and serve food, but I will let it slide. Whenever Zack or Lisa had a problem, they'd ask Max for advice when he dropped off their food. His answer was always an excuse to do magic that didn't help at all. I have no doubt in my mind that he had a personal relationship with all his teenage customers, as long as they didn't attend Valley High. Booooo.
Anything animated on MTV was awesome and I wasn't allowed to watch it. But I usually managed to anyway. I don't know what to say about this guy other than he has 2 x's in his name so he's twice as cool.
MIGHTY MAX. These toys ruled my childhood and I lost pieces in many a couch cushion.There was also a cartoon that was pretty cool, but the main attraction was the toys.Micro playsets with monsters. I couldn't ask for anything more. Honestly I couldn't, and trust me I've tried.
You know what, I was never embarrassed of my parents as a teenager, because my parents are cool. Straight out of Disney's most angst ridden animated feature, Max made it cool to be ashamed of your parents. How would you feel if your dad constantly dropped dumbbells on his head? You'd probably rebel by lip syncing Powerline songs in your school's auditorium, too.
Best Max ever. Mad Max Rockatansky. You don't have to be the feral kid to look up to him. He carries a double barrel shotgun, which is like standard for police in the future, but still, how awesome is that? Everyone hates Mel Gibson these days, but he's the Road Warrior and you're not so get a life you nerds.
Honorable mention: Max Headroom- uhhhh... no. The only good thing to come out of this character was the TV heads of Ronnie Regan and MJ (rip) at the 80s Diner on Back To the Future 2.
Max Payne- Classic video game, but his last name is Payne. Max Payne. Overkill on the coolness factor.
Happy trails.
The Maxx ruled. What ther comic showed their protagonist on the john constipated?