Another fun Boston winter story! Me and my friend Lana drove by a school field on our way to Newbury st. and I saw a flicker of color amidst the blizzard.I tried focusing more on it as we drove by. I realized there was a child in the middle of a field playground laying limp on a swing. I told Lana, "Hey turn around!! I think I see a child!" She was shocked and turned around. Upon further inspection, she saw it too! We started to get upset thinking we had just found a dead child in a snowy playground. Poor thing. She wore a pink snow outfit with hot pink ugg boots. Her little face was beat red from the cold and she was completely lifeless. Suddenly we saw a man come out of nowhere and walk toward her. Was he investigating too? We should call an ambulance. Suddenly the man notices us staring at the little girl in the swing and yells something at us. We're unsure of what he says. Lana thought the little girl was a doll the whole time because she was so limp. So she yelled, "is that a doll?" and the man said that the girl was his and that she falls asleep in the swing alot. Lana and I exchanged glances that said, "hmmm do we trust this guy?" It got to the point where he asked us if we'd like to check her out and that she was fine. I look over , he walks to her and starts pushing the swing. She twitches. She's alive!!! The man continues to push her on the swing in the terrible snow state of emergency as she passes in and out of consciousness.
Hey girl, sorry you have a weird grampa.
questions that come to mind:
-why did gramps take her to a field covered in snowy blizzard to swing his young granddaughter on a swing when she is obviously not enjoying it, freezing, and in need of a serious nap. (she almost looked like she was drugged.)
-why did gramps leave her tiny tiny body in the swing as he went to his car that was so far away we didn't see him for a good 2 minutes?
If you ever see anything weird like the above, you should investigate. there are lots of weirdos in this world. Or if you feel its unsafe, call the police like we did. CUZ YOU NEVER KNOW!! you could save someones life.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
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