Monday, January 12, 2009

Nothing Specific, Really

Clark sent me 'chinese democracy' in the mail today and I've been listening to it all day, non-stop. I keep asking people what their opinions are on this record. Everyone just points out the fact that it took forever to make. Well, Duh, but what do you think of it? Do you like it? do you just hate it because you're comparing it to what guns n' roses was over ten years ago? Do you like it just because it's axl and he can't do any wrong in your eyes? I would really like to know. I'm very curious as to what people's thoughts are. I like it and I continue to listen to it at work. Buckethead playing guitar? I feel that was a good move. I mean slash is slash, who's gonna top him? a freak like buckethead! yes! Anyways, moving on....

Here is a conversation I had with a customer while working an old job this past weekend to help out (retail store that rhymes with scmurban smoutfitters)

Young Teen Kid: "Hey! can I pay for this down here?" (on lower level of store, where you can only pay up top)
Me: (Looks right at sign that says PAY UPSTAIRS) "Doesn't look that way amigo."
YTK:"how tragic"
Me: "Not tragic at all, you've got two legs, walk them up the stairs to the cash register......" (oops, i'm going to get fired)
YTK:"but its tooo farrrr"
Me: (whipping around) "Well then, you know what? you can go ahead and buy a journal from that table on the way up so you can take it home and cry-write into it when you get there"
YTK's friend: "can i have your number?"
Me: (wtf????) "No, you're not a day over 12, call me in ten handsome. and by ten, i mean years not minutes" wink*

And that was how i got arrested for statuatory. not really. At least 12 yr olds like me.
I digress.

Johnny gave me Dark Knight on dvd for xmas. I've watched it at least 12 times this week. It's hard not having tv sometimes. I mean, its nice because I dont get sucked in to watching stupid tv shows and instead go out and do things. However, at night when i'm restless and need to become a vegetable in order to sleep I have no infomercials to watch (I've heard so much about shamwow) it's now the Dark Knight that puts me into a somewhat peaceful slumber. I awoke half asleep one night because of batman's voice. I have said it before and I will say it again, He sounds like a 90 yr old man with lung cancer. Christian Bale wayyyy overdid that voice. Tone it down skid row, I awoke half asleep and started laughing hysterically upon hearing his overdone tough guy batman voice.

"Youth In Revolt" is a great book. I read it 3 years ago and recently passed it off to my friend Jessica who thinks its as hilarioius as I do. I hear its being made into a major motion picture! and starring Michael Cera! Go pick it up and read it. Ironically enough, Urban took my suggestion and is now selling it in-store. But you should go buy it from amazon..probably cheaper.

Dear Jonah Hill,
I'm sorry i ran into you while trying to validate my parking at the grove. I couldn't tell that you were doing the pee pee dance and about to run into me because I was avoiding eye contact for some weird reason because you are in a movie that I watch all the time which makes me feel shameful and stalker-ish. I do however, not apologize for slurping the last bits of my cherry icee in the theatre which very visibly annoyed you. see you at real food daily sen!
Love Kellen

Go to, type in "Joey Adams Stella" and watch and laugh. New York Comedy at its finest.

Upcoming stuff:
-Murder city devils playing the fonda on the 18th in LA
-H2o playing the Hollywood Palladium on the 20th? in LA
-West Hollywood Dodgeball is starting Jan 25th. Open gyms on sunday at the hollywood rec center until then. SIgn up now! Its 50 bones and you need to pay thru paypal and you're set! (stay puft west hollywood league)
-Notorious movie screening tuesday (i can't go) but that movie is officially coming out the 16th and you should go see it. Biggie Smalls forever.

Speaking of Biggie, I caught myself wondering what he would be into these days were he alive. No doubt he would be effing awesome. Would he like Kanye? Nope probably not. I think he would like Weezy. I think they would hang out and talk about money and hoes, and biggie would say, "Weezy stop drinking promethezene, and roll a blunt". What would biggie wear? He does love dr. huxtable sweaters but it's 2009. Big designer sunglasses for sure. I can't believe you're still reading this.

Have a fantastic day, and remember, nothing is ever as bad as it seems. live each day as if it were your last. Don't let anything hold you back. Do what you feel, say what you mean. If you fuck up, apologize. Be Honest. Go out of your way for people when you can. god helps those who help themselves. Don't be afraid of change, embrace it (or else you're just a pussy that no one respects) And lastly, be active, nothing feels better than your body hating you. now go make yourself a cd of all your favorite songs and entitle it, "boner jams" and play it lots.


  1. Buckethead is the ONLY good thing about Chinese Democracy. gnr has always been waay overrated. even back then. Slash owns. Buckethead owns. thats about it.
